Thursday 7 March 2013

Dr Franklin Abraham Sonn


Dr Franklin Sonn

Title:                     Dr

Name:                  Franklin A. Sonn  

Known As:           Dr Sonn

Company:           Non-Exec Director

Position:             EsorFranki Limited

Age:                      73

Words of Wisdom

“If You Do not Deal with the past creatively, positively and constructively, the past will revisit itself on you. – Dr Franklin Abraham Sonn

Brief History

Dr Franklin Sonn Born 11 October 1939 at Vorsburg in the Karoo spent most of his child hood in Queenstown (Eastern Cape) but later moved to Cape Town. He was son to two educators both of whom were highle involved in public affairs which may perhaps be the biggest reson why Dr Sonn Spent his entire adult life living and understanding the philosophy of fighting for justice. He Started of by getting his BA (Honours) from The Universiy of The Western Cape but later went on to recieve honorary doctrates at several prestigous institutions such as Howard University in Washington and Baruch College in New York. His working carreer includes becoming democratic South Africa's first ambassador to the united Stated (1995-1998), Chairing of Several BoardsM Vice Chancellour of the University of Freestate as well as Executive in Residence at the University of Capetown Graduate School of Business. He has won countless awards for his passion for youth and growth.


Tuesday 5 March 2013

Monhla Wilma Hlahla

Monhla Hlahla

Title:                     Mrs

Name:                  Monhla W. Hlahla  

Known As:           Monhla

Company:           ACSA

Position:             Former CEO

Age:                     49

Words of Wisdom

“People's Capacity to achieve is determined by their leader's ability to empower. Also, it is too lonely at the top to not take someone with you. – Monhla Hlahla

Brief History

Born 2 March 1963 in the agricultural Limpopo Province to educators Sam and Mary Hlahla second born Monhla Hlahla spent most of her juvenile academic career i boarding school, She matriculated from Motse Maria high school (1981) then went on to do her Bachelors and Honours degree in  economics (1990) at Pomona College in California. Straight afterwards she did her MA in Regional Planning at the University of California (1993). Monhla how ever did not stay in the United States to work she came back home where she worked at places such as The Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA) and the Airports Company South Africa, as of Septtember 2011, after  10 years of working there, Monhla left and now serves on several boards including Royal Bafokeng Holdings and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). For those that know Monhla hope you remembered to wish her a Happy Birthday this past Saturday:D. 

*Conversations with Friends, Family and Monhla herself*

Friday 22 February 2013

Brian Joffe

Brian Joffe


Title:                Mr

Name:              Brian Joffe 

Known As:       Brian

Company:        Bidvest Group

Position:           Founder/CEO

Age:                 65

Words of Wisdom

“If Wealth gives you a sense of Godliness then heaven may not be your next destination” – Brian Joffe

Brief History

Johannesburg born Brian Joffe attended school in Greenside and Emmerentia, he then graduated as a Chartered accountant from..wait for it..The University of Witwatersrand (Yes he was a WITSIE!!!)..after having served his articles at Levit Kirson Gross. He gave birth to Bidvest in 1989 from a start-up Capital of a mere R8 million which he has turned into an international wonder that generates revenues of R118,5 billion (2011 Turn-Over).


Sunday 3 February 2013

Miller Matola


Miller Malumule Matola

Title:                     Mr

Name:                  Miller M. Matola  

Known As:          Miller

Company:          Brand SA

Position:            CEO

Age:                     49

Words of Wisdom

South Africa lacks a central idea around which to mobilise its entire people. Our talk about the values of South African people is often in abstraction rather than a reflection upon a concrete reality. Since the end of the political struggle in 1994 we lack the central idea that defines us as South Africans” – Miller Matola

Brief History

On the 22 April 1963 in the town of Klerksdorp came the birth of one of South Africa’s most brilliant mind, Mr Matola has served as an inspiration to countless black South Africans all over the country. By 1995 Mr Matola had graduated, with honours, from the University of Witwatersrand (Yep!! yet another Witsie) where he did a Bachelor of Arts in Management Advanced Programme. He then went on to do his MBA at Thames University in 2002, in the same year he broke through international boarders and worked as South Africa’s Country Manager in America as part of his job at South African Tourism (he has been in tourism Ever Since. Nowadays amongst other things he is the CEO of Brand SA as well as ICC Durban.

Thursday 13 December 2012

BizzyBlogBuster Coming Soon....

All day everyday on TV, Radio and in Newspapers we see all kinds of companies marketing themselves as "the one you should choose." Each entity does its best to make itself more accessible and to create its own personality, and its very impressive and all but haven't you ever asked yourself,  "Who are the people behind this Brand?" I mean, Not every CEO appears in a TV Commercial like Michael Jordaan...It's time to get to know the people behind the name, the people that make it all possible. BizzyBlogBuster focuses on profiles of the Who's Who of the industries dealing strictly local success makers to show South Africans that the greates Role Models are a lot closer to home than we think. So do the right thing..Follow BizzyBlogBuster and get to know the people behind the headline